Rules and Regulations
AIMS has framed certain rules and regulations, which will be binding to all the students. These rules have to be strictly followed during your tenure with AIMS. They have been devised to train students for successful careers in the variou industries and also help to make the students punctual, well-mannered and disciplined in their future life. The rules are:
- Students have to attend the classes regularly. Aminimum 80% attendance is required in both theory and practical classes to appear in the Final Examination. Students will be marked absent if they have no prior written permission from the authorized person.
- Students have to attend classes with proper uniform as recommended by the College. The College has the right, not to allow any student to attend classes without prescribed uniform.
- The principal or the lecturers have the authority to take action if the students are found loitering in the campus without attending the class.
- Course structure is subject to change as per the guide line of the respective University / Board.
- Students will be issued an Identity Card, which is to be pinned to the collar with the uniform.
- Students leaving their course in the middle of the academic year will not be eligible for re-admission.
- Students have to complete their Training/Project as conducted by the College within stipulated time.
- Students are expected to take care of the College properties and to keep the premises neat and clean.
- Gambling, smoking or consumption of alcohol / drugs is strictly prohibited inside the campus. The College has all the rights to rusticate students found involved in such activities.
- Disciplinary action will be taken against students found ragging to any students.
- The College will not take the responsibility for any loss or damage to any valuables of the students in the campus or elsewhere.
- Students have to compulsorily converse in English within the campus.
- Students have to maintain practical journal / logbook as required by the particular subject teacher.
- Personal Floppy, CD, Pen drive, or any other computer gadgets is strictly prohibited inside the AIMS Educational area.
- Students responsible for the damages to any of the properties of AIMS, such as library books, computer accessories, furniture, etc. will have to pay for it.
- Student will have to hand over the Identity Card; Library Card before AIMS gives him / her necessary clearance.
- Students cannot use any cellular phone within college campus.
- The students have to maintain their attendance otherwise for appearing in the examination they will have to pay penalty.
- Once fees are paid fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
- The College has full right to change any of the above rules and regulations as per Management decision.
- Students have to read the prospectus and have to abide by the rules and regulations of the college and also the rules and regulation coming in force in future.
- Other rules / regulation / directives of the College & University will have to be followed by students during each academic year.